Response to the ABC on Carmichael mine emissions reporting
5 May 2023
Response to the ABC on Carmichael mine emissions reporting
On 18 April 2023 and again on 4 May 2023 we received questions from the ABC about CO2-equivalent emissions from the Carmichael mine in 2021-22, and questions comparing the emissions disclosed to forecasts contained in the original mine Environmental Impact Statement.
We were fully compliant with our obligations under the previous National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Scheme, and we will actively work with the regulator to ensure compliance with our obligations under the amended Safeguard Mechanism. We have nothing to hide.
Unfortunately, the ABC has a history of painting a misleading picture about our business by ignoring or not including in full the information we provide to them, and we’re concerned this will be the case again.
Therefore, in the interests of transparency, we have chosen to publicly share the complete response we have given to the ABC on this matter. Please find it below:
The following is attributable to a Bravus Mining and Resources spokesperson:
“Bravus Mining and Resources’ CO2-equivalent emissions for the 2021-22 year were disclosed under the previous arrangements which were a feature of the annual National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Scheme.
“With the new arrangements that come into effect from 1 July 2023, like all the 200+ facilities captured by the Safeguard Mechanism, we will actively work with the regulator to ensure compliance with our obligations under the new legislation.
“It would be wrong of the ABC to compare figures from our National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Scheme 2021-2022 report to forecasts contained in the original mine Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), as the reporting requirements and production rate are different.
“It would also be misleading of the ABC to compare baseline emissions figures in the EIS that were calculated using 2013 reporting standards and requirements to 2022 figures that use contemporary Australian Government reporting parameters. To do so is simply misleading or mischievous.
“CO2-equivalent emissions reported for the 2021-22 year to the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Scheme related to construction of the mine, mine development and operation, and equate to just 0.06% of Australia’s total emissions in that year.
“The intensity of scope 1 emissions per tonne of coal mined will change in the future as the mine ramps up to full production.”