Response to misleading and inaccurate Guardian Australia and ABC reporting
14 September 2023
Response to misleading and inaccurate Guardian Australia and ABC reporting
On 14 September 2023 the Guardian Australia and the Australian Broadcasting Corporation published claims from anti-fossil fuel activists who wrongly alleged Bravus Mining and Resources employees stopped them from entering a cattle property near the Carmichael mine.
These allegations are clearly false as this footage of the activists entering the cattle property unhindered shows:
The video is available for download here:
This footage was given to both the Guardian Australia and the Australian Broadcasting Corporation as part of our response to their questions.
Disappointingly, despite the evidence refuting the activists’ false claims, both outlets still chose to publish them.
We have nothing to hide and in the interests of transparency we provide the following statement, which can be attributed to a Bravus Mining and Resources spokesperson:
“On Sunday 27 August 2023, anti-coal activist Adrian Burragubba, his family, and a film crew entered a working cattle property near the Carmichael mine contrary to the wishes of the pastoralist owner.
“Mr Burragubba’s group arrived at the entrance to the cattle property in three cars at about 3pm.
“They were greeted by two of our mine security staff, one male, one female, who had parked their work vehicle a respectful distance away.
“At the request of the pastoralist, our people spoke to Mr Burragubba and passed on a message from the pastoralist asking the activists not to enter their property without consent and without following the established process, including the biosecurity controls that are in place to protect livestock and the land from disease, pests, and weeds. The conversation was business-like and there was no physical contact.
“Mr Burragubba’s group chose to ignore the pastoralist’s reasonable request and entered the property anyway along with a film crew of non-Traditional Owners to shoot public relations material for their anti-coal campaigns at the nearby springs.
“Our staff did not attempt to stop the activists from entering the land, as the footage above clearly shows, and then our people drove away from the area.
“Contrary to his claims, Mr Burragubba does not have the right to access to pastoral properties without the consent of leaseholders, as he and his family do not hold Native Title.
“Queensland Police have not contacted us about the conversation our people had with Mr Burragubba.”