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Sustainability in our community

Sustainability in our community

Sustainability in our community

Bravus is committed to supporting the communities we are part of. We have close relationships with regional economic development organisations, community groups, councils, and charities. Our success relies on the support of our partners.

Supporting the CQ Rescue service

Bravus Mining and Resources not only operates locally and supports businesses in central and north Queensland, our workers live and raise their families in the region too.

We are proud to build long-term partnerships that support regional communities and help deliver the services they need.

Bravus Mining and Resources has been a partner with CQ Rescue since 2018, supporting the life-saving operations of the rescue helicopter which are vital to the region. 

Through onsite collection bins for cans and bottles managed by Mackay-based group Anything Environmental and a site-wide commitment to recycling, the Change for Choppers recycling program turns small daily gestures from our workers into a significant donation that helps save lives. 

We also support the operations of the local rescue helicopter through the Community Partnerships Program. 


Community and Stakeholder Feedback

Bravus is committed to genuine community engagement and developing and maintaining positive working relationships with stakeholders, including the receipt and actioning of comments and feedback.

To provide feedback, simply contact us on 1800 423 264 or [email protected]

read more about our Feedback Policy here

Notice of Applications – Water Act 2000

Notice is hereby given for an application made under the Water Act 2000. The application is to amend a condition of Water Licence 617268 to change the definition of “Due Date” to 1 July 2026. The term “Due Date” is defined and referred to in conditions of the water licence, requiring payment of the Balance of the Total Purchase Price by the Due Date. The water licence authorises the taking of watercourse water from the Suttor River with the point of take on or adjacent to Lot 3 on SP278559 for the purpose of water supply for the Carmichael Coal Mine and Rail Project with a nominal entitlement of 12,500 megalitres per year. The water licence is located in the Llanarth area.

The full notice of the application 627941 is available on the government’s website and can be found by searching ‘public notice of water licence applications’. The full notice provides additional information about the application and the submission process. A copy of the application may be inspected online at water/water/authorisations/licences/public-notices. Submissions may be made up to 5 February 2025. For further enquiries telephone 1800 822 100.
